I learned a very important lesson on this shoot - ALWAYS check before you go to a location if it has just been irrigated. Well that was the case with us this time. Miss C was a trooper and trudged through the yucky muddied up ground and even LOST her show as her foot sunk down into the MUD!! And she smiled through it.... We had a great time aside from all the mud. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out. Congrats on graduating High School!
Had to capture some spring pictures of the girls before all the grass died off. What a beautiful location and the girls had a great time as well. Looking forward to celebrating Easter and how Jesus died on the cross and ROSE again.
Miss M stole my heart a long time ago so when her mom asked me to take her 5 year pictures I was so excited. She has this beautiful spirit about her that melts my heart. Happy Birthday Miss M!